The McGraw-Hill Homeland Security Handbook : The Definitive Guide for Law Enforcement, EMT, and all other Security Professionals
The Definitive Guide for Law Enforcement, EMT, and all other Security Professionals
出版McGraw Hill Professional, 2005-10-10
主題Education / Adult & Continuing Education
註釋More than $3 billion is spent annually on homeland security. New threats and vulnerabilities are identified on virtually a daily basis. The McGraw-Hill Homeland Security Handbook provides first responders, security professionals, and students with a fundamental and definitive overview of critical homeland security issues. This first all-in-one reference features review and assessment of myriad homeland security risks, along with insights, strategies, and practical advice for working successfully in the new threat environment. A team of more than 70 experts supplies chapters covering terrorist tactics, intra-government coordination of information, behavioral pattern recognition, aviation and maritime passenger and cargo security, new rules for securing cyberspace, roles of media and private individuals, and more.