If Not for This
註釋"If Not For This" reveals events that occurred during the Evolution of the Industrial Revolutions. From the Sumerians who invented "The Wheel" to make pottery. 5,000 years ago to "Buzz and Neil's Moon Landing" in the twentieth century, these were two Earth-Shanking accomplishments. Mankind has cornered the market for Discoveries, Inventions, and Innovations. Names like Jethro Tull, inventor of the "Wheat Seed Drill". Without this concept today, we might be finger-planting corn fields. Two men, Best and Holt built an empire with the "Name of an Insect". Were Farris and Clark angry when they decided to "Frack"? What "Science does 10W40" come under? Professor H. Peter Jost knows. That Slippery Devil! There are 38 pages of photographs that reveal the common thread that weaves all of these subjects together.