The title of my story invites the reader to search for a mystical place that is far away from the hustle and bustle of our everyday lives: a place where we can tune into another dimension, and see the natural world from ground-level: in this case through the eyes of a snail. It is a humerous story with an underlying philosophical seriousness: a search for answers for some of the deepest questions we can ask. Our snail is called Alfred for some unaccountable reason. He wants to know why? He comes to the conclusion that he cannot find the answer at home, so he travels out into the great wide world. His journey to the Continent and home again leads him to places and encounters that he had never dreamed of. He ends up in France, and is first held capture in a snail farm. Luckily for him, and for us, he is rejected. However the experience opens up his mind, and a host of other questions are added to his why? He meets all kinds of friends that supply him with new knowledge. The moon, the wind, Mother Earth, the sun and the river tutor him about the role they play together, and teach him that everything is interconnected, and that we all share the same life. He learns of the harsh realities of life, but that it is human beings that have been busy changing the face of the world, and have consequently disturbed a vital balance in the short time they have been in existence. Can a mere snail help us each find a new respect for our fellow creatures, and open our eyes to the miracle of life that is right in front of us?