Abstract book International Congress on health Science and Medical Technologies 2024

International Congress on Health Sciences and Medical Technologies 2024: ICHSMT’24 is the 8th edition following several editions held online in 2021, and 2023 adding to in-person: Tlemcen, Algeria (2016, 2017, 2019 and 2022) and Algiers Algeria (2018). It is an annual congress containing several conferences and workshops focusing on Medical technologies and health sciences.

The congress attracted researchers from several nations and specialties as: Algeria, Germany, Iran, Switzerland, Netherland, Denmark, Malaysia, Pakistan, France, Tunisia, Morocco, Brazil, Egypt, India, Iraq, and Benin. The congress author’s affiliations were from several departments such as medicine, biology, physics and chemical sciences, computer sciences, veterinary, agronomy, environment, pharmacy, dental Medicine, electronic and mechanical engineering, and mathematics.

The content was selected via strong criteria applied by the members of the program committee. We received 127 submissions, which were reviewed by 1-5 reviewers and scanned by iThenticate software. We have accepted 91 abstracts presented in this book, the rate of acceptance was 71.75%.