Sit the F*ck Down and Write

Do you want to know HOW BOOKS WRITE THEMSELVES? That secret can be found inside this guide. It's all true. Well, mostly. You see, the writer has to get a decent chair, and then come up with a couple of characters. And an engaging idea. And there's this thing called an "outline," which comes in handy. It helps if there are snacks at hand (for the writer, not the characters) . . .

Okay, okay! So books don't write themselves. And yes, it's a lot of hard work, and the hours suck. But nothing happens until you actually SIT THE F*CK DOWN AND WRITE. From that point on, it helps if you have a good guide. Something with charts and clever models to help you brainstorm a narrative arc in as little time as it takes to bake a cake.

In fact, if you can bake a cake, you can write a book. It's all in the directions, and Mark Teppo gives very good directions. So now is a good time to start that book you've always been meaning to write, because this guide is going to JUMPSTART YOUR NOVEL.