The Jewels of Ling Ti

Various buyers of antiques in China, agents for collectors and dealers, compete with each other to acquire priceless objects. While some are honorable, some are decidedly not. We meet Jim Hanecy and Toptit, two of the honorable men. We also meet Gramerfeld who is crooked as the day is long, and Benson who is worse, a murderer.

These men will conspire against each other and fight over treasures from Ling Ti, the Emperor Zhi of Han. The first story introduces the character of Toptit and sets the stage for the pursuit of the six Jewels of Ling Ti.

Little Tomtit (1920)

The Tale of the Tenth Tablet (1921)

The Emperor’s Amulet (1921)

A Tiger Hilt (1921)

Red Amber (1921)

The Ambassador’s Ring (1921)

The Image of Earth (1921)

The Jewels of Ling Ti has 7 illustrations taken from the reprint of these stories in The Sunday Star of Washington D.C. in 1921 and 1922.