
The new challenges of our economic, social, and ecologic global context require solutions that go beyond “business as usual” strategies. While Europe and North America have gone through a deep economic crisis, which has affected all aspects of life –especially housing and working conditions–, other areas of the world have continued to grow and develop. The changing global context has important implications on the ways human beings organize their settings for everyday life –their residential environments and communal services, in particular– and on the necessity for supporting transitions to sustainable societies.

(Click About this Book to view the table of contents.)

Table of Contents:

00 - Introduction: Sustainability and Ecological Transition in the Post-COVID Era: Challenges and Opportunities in the Face of Climate Change and Energy Transition

Ricardo García-Mira, Petra Schweizer-Ries & Cristina García-Fontán

01 - Collaboration in Energy Transition Research and Practice in Times of COVID-19 and Beyond

Julia Sollik, Katharina Kötter-Lange, Lara Brungs, Alena Schüren & Petra Schweizer-Ries

02 - Some Challenges in Urban Planning and Health

Cristina García-Fontán

03 - Acceptability, Acceptance, and Adoption of Renewable and Sustainable Energy Technologies: Definitions and Their Technological, Contextual, and Personal Determinants

Marino Bonaiuto, Federica Dessi & Silvia Ariccio

04 - Climate Change: Research, Policy and Health: A Psychological Perspective 

Ricardo García-Mira & Graciela Tonello

05 - Constraints on Community Participation in Sustainable Social Housing Upgrading Caused by the COVID-19 Pandemic 

Janine Pößneck & Sigrun Kabisch

06 - Contributions from Lighting Research to Sustainability and COVID-19 Pandemic 

Graciela Tonello

07 - The Role of Smart and Sustainable Technologies in Supporting Elderly Independence in the Home Environment 

Hebatallah Ibrahim & Deniz Hasirci

08 - Research on the Ideal Form of Office Spaces as Workplaces for Teachers 

Kinuyo Shimizu & Kaname Yanagisawa

09 - Regeneration Strategies for an Ancient Temple of Northwest China Based on Rural Community Participation 

Xu Yubin, Li Bin & Li Hua

10 - Sustainable Lifestyles, Attitudes and Adaptation Motivations to Engage in Sustainable and Conscious Food Consumption. Advances from Multidisciplinary Empirical Research on Collective Forms of Consumption 

Isabel Lema-Blanco, Ricardo García-Mira & Jesús-Miguel Muñoz-Cantero

11 - A Comprehensive Model of Stressors and Adaptation on Shift Workers' Daily Work Life: Consequences for Sustainable Lifestyles 

Amelia Fraga-Mosquera & Ricardo García-Mira

12 - Applied Social Science Research for Housing Upgrading in Times of a Pandemic 

Doris C. C. K. Kowaltowski, Elisa A. D. Muianga, Marcelle Engler Bridi, Luciana Szymanski, Cynthia Nunes de Almeida Prado, Vanessa G. da Silva, Daniel de Carvalho Moreira, Ariovaldo D. Granja, Regina Coeli Ruschel, Douglas Lopes de Souza & Carolina Asensio Oliva

13 - The COVID-19 Pandemic’s Impact on Environmental Attitudes 

Cristina Gómez-Román, Marcos Dono, Sergio Vila-Tojo & José Manuel Sabucedo

14 - Citizen’s Climate Responsibility and Human Values in the European Union 

Fernando Bruna

15 - Developing COVID-19 Safety Solutions at a Crowded Area in Kolkata 

Aratrika De & Woojeong Chon

16 - Understanding Spatial Affordance Through the Evaluation of Urban Space Quality Experienced by Users Under Weather Variations: The Case of Rooftop Gardens in Central Tokyo 

Yem-Khang, Nguyen Tran & Ryo Murata

17 - Towards a Dual Residential Scenario and the Disappearance of the Intermediate Situations 

Luciano G. Alfaya, Patricia Muñíz & Alberto Rodríguez-Barcón

18 - Ecological Momentary Assessment of Thought Valence in Greenspace and Indoor Environments 

Thomas R. Brooks & Rosol Alftealh

19 - The Anthropocene New Challenges 

Cintia Okamura & Jacques Lolive

20 - The Subtleties of the Anthropocene: From Overarching Narratives to the Construction of Alternative Futures 

Robin Dianoux

21 - Natural Economy 

Xosé Gabriel-Vázquez