Towards the Cannabis Olympus
We are pleased to present the first anniversary of the Cannabis World Journals magazine, where we have the important task of going beyond the limits and comfort zone, to continue informing in an objective and responsible way to the general public about the "Divine Gifts" of the plant and thus, break the paradigms of fear and misinformation about the cannabis industry. Therefore, we will have as a special guest Anne Marie Graham, director of the digital magazine Cannabis World Journals, a leading media in cannabis information. The CannaGrow section analyzes the great leap of cannabis from the media. In CannaCountry we detail the progress made in Peru in terms of legalization, authorized uses, and production for specific purposes of cannabis. In CannaLaw we will see the cannabis litigation of the companies MedMen and Whitestar, as well as the advances in the legalization of the plant in countries such as Spain and Pakistan. In the CannaTrade section we talk about the keys to the success of a cannabis business and economic alternatives such as cannabis tourism. Finally, in the CannaMed section you will learn how cannabis influences the treatment of HIV and as an alternative therapy for anxiety and stress disorders.