
This is a story about a young woman named Marty. It is set in the early 1950s time frame. Marty, along with her five friends, receive a Chain Letter in the mail during their last year in high school. They all brush it off as a joke and it is soon forgotten like the senior yearbook. Marty goes off to college and gets her long awaited degree in Chemistry.

Her dream is to become an Author. But she also needs money to live on. Marty's Father dies unexpectedly from an aneurysm. He had been a car mechanic, making just barely enough to make ends meet. But thanks to a wise investment he made thirty years ago, Marty is now free to pursue her writing career. As the story unfolds, she finds the five classmates who had received the Chain Letter. She also discovers all the tragedy it brought them. It soon becomes clear that she has to finish her book before she can ever be free. There were six Chain Letters sent out. Marty ultimately finds herself caught in a perplexing web of murders. And she is number six on the list!

Her fate is like a runaway train, taking her to hell and back!

When all is said and done, Marty realizes her number is coming up just around the corner. The question is: will she find out in time who sent the Chain Letter? So its evil cast can be broken before her own demise? Only Marty has the answer...