WESSEL: Code for Numerical Simulation of Two-dimensional Time-dependent Width-averaged Flows with Arbitrary Boundaries
Joe F. Thompson
Robert S. Bernard
U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station
, 1985
The code WESSEL solves the two momentum equations, the energy equation, and the continuity equation on a two-dimensional field with boundaries of arbitrary shape, including multiple inlets, outlets, and obstacles. The basis of this numerical solution is a boundary-fitted curvilinear coordinate system that allows all computation to be done on a rectangular field with a square grid in the transformed plane, regardless of the boundary shape and configuration in the physical plane. The finite difference solution is done in finite volume formulation. The solution is implicit in time, with the difference equations being solved simultaneously by SOR iteration at each time step. The code reads the boundary-fitted coordinate system from the output of the coordinate code WESCOR. The input allows any portions of the boundary (external or obstacles) to be designated as inlets, outlets, no-slip surfaces, or slip surfaces. Arbitrary specification of the variables on inlets and outlets is allowed. The output is in the form of field arrays and plots of the velocity components, pressure, and temperature. All computation is done in metric units, but the input and output units may be specified otherwise. The WESSEL code permits analysis of hydrodynamics for a variety of applications to Civil Works projects. Keywords: Boundary-fitted coordinates; Hydrodynamics; Numerical modeling; Reservoirs; Selective withdrawal; Stratified flow.