I’m broken.
Beaten. Desensitized. Subhuman.
I’m a psychology grad student. I know all about repressed trauma. I know the dangers of burying your suffering, letting it eat away at you until you’re nothing but a shell.
I also don’t care.
This is my nightmare, and I’ll decide when I want to wake up.
Armand James claims he can help me, and it’ll only take one night.
He offers to use my pain to heal my pain. Break me to fix me.
It will be his pleasure.
My textbooks have a name for people like him. But who am I to judge?
It’s risky, but so is living a deadened life.
He wants to hurt me.
And I’m going to let him.
Topics: Dark psychological fiction, Dominant male lead, repressed trauma, personal growth, healing, empowerment