When All Hail Breaks Loose

Storms can come suddenly, unexpectedly, and catastrophically. We are never the same after suffering the shock and after-shocks of such earth-shattering experiences. And it is during these times that we need the assurance that only our faith in God provides.

When All Hail Breaks Loose offers practical, proven life strategies for not only surviving, but also thriving, in the midst of major life challenges. When we are going through a storm, we can't help but wonder:

  • How does my faith help me when everything is falling apart?
  • How does trusting God in prayer really make a difference?
  • Where can I turn to receive the strength and direction that will help me hold my life together when everything is coming apart?
  • Where is God in the midst of my suffering and pain?
  • How can I make it through the long nights of fear, doubt, and uncertainty?
  • How can I keep going when everything in me wants to quit?

God provides the resources to weather life's storms: faith, prayer, friends and family, courage and fortitude, and the determination to persevere. It is reassuring to know the battle is not ours but God's.