An Illustrated Guide to the Outstanding Buildings, Public Artworks, and Parks in the Bay Area of California
出版Ten Speed Press, 2005
主題Architecture / GeneralArchitecture / Regional
註釋Visitors and residents alike continue to be pleasantly astonished by the rich and varied architectural heritage of the San Francisco Bay Area. This completely revised and updated guide offers a comprehensive catalog of noteworthy and representative sites, including residential and commercial buildings, parks, and public art works, each illustrated by an accompanying photograph. All are located within the major San Francisco neighborhoods as well as outlying areas. Useful maps, descriptive tidbits, and sightseeing hints embellish this densely packed volume. Whether used as the basis for a walking tour or as a reference for students and historians, SAN FRANCISCO ARCHITECTURE is the definitive guide to the natural and urban development of one of the most recognized and visited areas in the world. A completely revised and updated guide to San Francisco Bay Area architecture with new entries, photographs, and maps. Illustrated with more than 600 photographs.Of the many guidebooks on the San Francisco Bay Area, this is the only one to offer a comprehensive catalog of architectural sites.