Proceedings of TAKE 2022 Conference


This volume includes papers presented at TAKE 2022 Conference The Multidisciplinary Conference on Intangibles, held in hybrid format between the 6 th and the 8 th July 2022 and hosted by Universidade Portucalense, from Porto, Portugal. Detailed information about the Conference is to be found in the Conference Website: https://take-conference2022.com/. A Book of Abstracts was also published. TAKE 2022 included 70 presentations in parallel sessions plus 5 keynotes, 3 special sessions, one doctoral workshop and 2 posters, by almost 102 participants, from 22 countries. Done after the Covid-19 crisis, TAKE 2022 was a “lets have our life back” moment, in scientific and human terms. Science advances through creativity and conferences are essential for that creativity to happen. We thank infinitely all those involved, which contributed to the success of the event. We hope to continue the TAKE saga, next year with TAKE 2023, that will be announced very soon. Best wishes and kindest regards.

Eduardo Tomé, on behalf of the Organizing Committee