Young Enough To Change The World
Stories of kids and teens who turned their dreams into action
出版SCB Distributors, 2015-05-11
主題Social Science / Children's Studies
註釋Many young people today yearn to make a positive difference in the world—and not just when they’re grown up. Presented with an opportunity and support, they have the ability to do that. Alexander the Great, Joan of Arc, Mary Shelley, (author of Frankenstein) and Louis Braille (who created the Braille system), all made a major contribution to society before they were out of their teens. Although young people are idealistic, they have a sincere desire to help those less fortunate than they are in the world. However, the disheartening message that society sends them is, “Not yet; you’re too young to do anything important right now.” The 15 stories of young people from around the world described in Young Enough to Change the World are proof that this message is wrong. Each of these kids and teenagers has made a positive difference in the lives of others. Moreover, most of the projects are still going strong. As you will see, many of the heroes and heroines in this book began with a dream that grew and gained momentum and support in spite of a small beginning. It is remarkable what inspired youngsters and adolescents are capable of accomplishing. The key to their success has been their heartfelt passion and determination. There are genuine heroes of substance in every society often flying under the radar of media exposure, and not a few of them, as the stories in this book demonstrate, are young people whose commitment to helping others is awe inspiring. Fortunately, that commitment bodes well for the future of humanity. The young people whose philanthropic work is recorded here certainly possess the qualities of heroes—empathy, self-sacrifice, service, persistence, perseverance and commitment. These young heroes are not content to battle singlehandedly the misfortune and sorrow they see around them. They want an army of courageous young people, as determined as they are, to join them in the work of eliminating human suffering and hardship. They want many others, the young as well as the old, to work with them to make the effort required to bring about a healthier, more peaceful, more equitable world for all of us. Are you ready to join them?