註釋What's a sniper to do when they leave the Marine Corps? Become an assassin for LifeEnders Inc., the elite murder-for-hire corporation. Luther will soon learn there is more to being a high-grade sniper than a simple point and click. Sometimes a man has to get his hands dirty.The Hit World SeriesSeptember 11, 2001, was the blackest day in American history. A dozen hijacked airliners wiped out most of the American government and brought our country to its knees. The population screamed for blood, but the government was in chaos. Americans got their answer in the form of a small band of mercenaries, hired by wealthy private citizens. The group traveled to the Middle East to kill those responsible. They called themselves LifeEnders, Inc.Within weeks the men responsible for the 9/11 attacks were being executed on live American television, along with officials from the countries who supported them.As our government struggled to restore themselves, the population demanded power turned over to private corporations wherever possible.LifeEnders Inc. grew from the mercenary group. They found and eliminated threats to America worldwide with the speed and technique of a scalpel. When terrorist organizations were discovered within America, LifeEnders Inc. found and removed them. Terrorists couldn't hide.As time went by the group, also ended murder within our borders; killers met with swift Old Testament justice.