Priority Forwarding
An Efficient Flooding Technique for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
出版Iowa State University, 2004
註釋Flooding operation is a fundamental and frequently invoked communication primitive in a wireless ad hoc network that consists of a number of hosts communicating with each other via wireless communication without a fixed wireless infrastructure. The network topology can change very frequently due to the movement of hosts. Unfortunately, existing flooding techniques either are unreliable, or generate overwhelming unnecessary packet retransmission, or incur excessive network control overhead. To address these crucial problems, we propose a technique called Priority Forwarding. The new scheme distinguishes itself with two features: dynamic delay and priority checking. With these two features, the new technique is able to achieve two seemingly conflicting goals; that is, a host should wait as long as possible to collect duplicate packets to avoid packet retransmission, while a flooding packet should be forwarded as soon as possible to minimize flooding latency. In addition, unlike most existing techniques, Priority Forwarding requires each host to track only neighbors within its one-hop distance. Therefore, it can be incorporated into many existing routing protocols without incurring any additional control overhead. Our performance studies convincingly show that the new technique is highly effective in terms of eliminating unnecessary retransmissions and reducing flooding latency.