Diagnosis and Treatment of Lung Cancer
註釋Access comprehensive, multidisciplinary guidance on the diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer! This new resource addresses the full range of clinical issues in diagnosis, staging, and treatment, as well as the latest scientific data and evidence-based guidelines. A user-friendlyorganization provides quick reference to data summaries, as well as more comprehensive and detailed information for readers who wish to explore topics in depth.
  • Features contributions by authors from many different disciplines, to ensure a balanced approach.
  • Addresses the clinical issues seen in practice, with the inclusion of basic science research topics that are likely to be put into clinical practice soon.
  • Integrates evidence-based medicine throughout.
  • Assesses the strength of all available dataenabling readers to weigh different arguments and make decisions based on medical issues, values, and the availability and efficacy of interventionsusing a data rating system.
  • Addresses difficult, but clinically relevant issues for which limited data is available.
  • Enables readers to quickly reference findings and data in data summary statements and summary tables.