註釋Learning about the many exciting cities in North America is a fun way for ESL students to practice aural comprehension and notetaking skills.

Each chapter focuses on a different North American city with side trips or short lectures on popular destinations near three of the cities. As students improve their language skills, they learn about the history and culture of each city. Postcards features
-- tape-recorded lectures about each city, five to ten minutes in length;
-- notetaking strategies that build on one another; accompanied by examples and exercises prior to each lecture;
-- vocabulary activities that introduce students to words and expressions they will see and hear in their daily lives;
-- pre-listening activities that stimulate students' interest;
-- post-listening activities that draw on students' previous knowledge; and
-- readings that examine a different aspect or flavor of each city.

The following locales are explored: Phoenix, Vancouver, Philadelphia, Honolulu and Hawaii Volcanoes National Park; Los Angeles; Miami; Las Vegas and Grand Canyon National Park; Montreal; Washington, D.C.; and Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia; Chicago; Boston; and New York City.