Living the Waking Dream
Michael Jean Nystrom-Schut
We Live out Our Lives in the Dream
, 2005-05-23
Philosophy / General
TRILOGY BOOK THREE includes three books from my thirty-some published and yet-to-be published works. As a writer and philosopher, I am blessed to be writing books as a full-time occupation, knowing that others who would love to do it, dont have the luxury. In my journeys, I dont know if I am getting warmer or colder towards understanding much of anything. For me, lots of the fun of it is in continuing to discover that which we did not know just yesterday. Living the Waking Dream is the title of the book, and it comes to you along with two others, The Inquisition and Bricks in the Wall. All three were written with you (the reader and fellow life-mate) especially in mind. If you struggle sometimes, wondering what is real and what is in the dream-world, then maybe you will like the basic premises behind Living the Waking Dream (Book One). Its a highly personal book, written in memoir style. If you have religious and spiritual questions, and struggle with some of the answers, you might find The Inquisition (Book Two) to be of benefit. It is about a man on trial for his life, defending his spiritual point of view against the religious world-view. Many of us have trouble when it comes to conforming to society to their countless laws and cumbersome rules. Bricks in the Wall addresses three distinct phases of life that millions of us go through. It provides insight into how those processes takes place and can be a real eye-opener for you! I am in high hopes that this three-books-in-one volume will be good reading. On my web site, HowISeeTheWorld.com, I contemplate questions and answers that continue to trouble humans for all these years. Please come and see me at the site!