Scenarios and Strategies for Vocational Education and Lifelong Learning in Europe
Summary of Findings and Conclusions of the Joint Cedefop/ETF Project (1998-2002)
出版Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2002
註釋The scenarios project set out to develop a tool to improve understanding of vocational education and training (VET) systems in the linked contexts of economic and technological change; changes in society, work, and the labor market; and changing training/skills environment. Other key attempts at the European level to generate European scenarios were five scenarios that were the work of the "cellule prospective" and four scenarios developed in preparation for the French presidency of the European Union. Phase 1 of the project consisted of design of a questionnaire, its completion in a survey of 200-300 experts in each of 10 participating countries, and analysis of results. It established provisional scenarios and identified strategies for further examination. Phase 2 combined further analysis of Phase 1 results and trends, followed by a predominantly qualitative approach to exploring intersections between a range of scenarios and a set of strategies. Project findings indicated 4 areas may provide a focus for the next 10 years: the social dimension of VET and lifelong learning; public and private partnerships; compatible national and European structures of educational and VET qualifications and provision and promotion of European standards; and modernization of work. These three major scenarios were identified at the European level: Europe on the edge, protective and incremental Europe, and sustainable and competitive Europe. (Contains 21 references) (YLB).