
Dr. Richard Logan, a well-known neurologist from Oakland, California, finds himself wrestling with unspoken affection for his closet friend, Maxine. Following Maxine’s marriage to their mutual friend and confidant, Brad, Logan is left dealing with a string of unsuccessful romantic endeavors, all stemming from his unaddressed feelings for Maxine. The situation becomes more complicated when Brad is diagnosed with a terminal disease and is forced to use a wheelchair, leaving Logan to confront his emotions and make a decision that could change his life forever.


The portrayal of Dr. Richard Logan is incredibly relatable and human, thanks to the author’s meticulous attention to detail in developing his every personality and driving force authentically. His battle to reveal his love, which ultimately leads to Maxine’s union with Brad, is deeply moving. The reader can grasp the reasons behind Logan’s decision to keep his true feelings for Maxine hidden. The story skillfully delves into Logan’s inner turmoil and his struggle to let go, underscoring the often emotional fallout of not expressing one’s feelings. Mitchell’s narrative skillfully weaves together personal and interpersonal relationships. Maxine, as a character, is engaging and leaves a lasting impression, making it a must-read for