註釋SCHUNCK brings the exhibition 'Basquiat Before Basquiat: East 12th Street, 1979-1980' of the Museum of Contemporary Art Denver to the European continent for the first time. Furthermore SCHUNCK invites you to the vibrant and raw New York art scene in which Basquiat developed in no time from a street-artist to the iconic artist we know him to be.0We present the work he made during these years of development: from the poetic graffiti texts to the almost immediately coveted canvasses of which an early selection can be seen in the exhibition. We meet his NY scene trough the exhibition that ensured Basquiats breakthrough; the big and legendary Times Square Show (1980). In this co-created Times Square Show Basquiat exhibited together with others like Keith Haring, Nan Goldin and Jenny Holzer. SCHUNCK shows 50 original works from the exhibition. Finally, the SCHUCNK exhibition highlights a special piece of Dutch art history by addressing the very fast Dutch reception of Basquiat and his scene.00Exhibition: Schunck Glaspaleis, Heerlen, The Netherlands (02.02.-02.06.2019).