註釋Klaus Lang is an internationally acclaimed and published photographer. Recognizing his unique colour sense, a leading European dye manufacturer used a series of his images in a key advertising campaign: "Colours Show Life," printed in the respected international yearbook "Photo GRAPHIS" in 1979.

Mr. Lang's published credits include:

Camera (Switzerland)
Nova Fotografia (Italy)
Mein Schoner Garten (Germany)
Foto Zoom (Mexico)
Photo Canada
Photo Life (Canada)
Ontario Naturalist (Canada)
Photo GRAPHIS (Photographic Yearbook)
Canadian Geographic
Tier- und Naturfotographie (Germany)
Time-Life: Photographing Nature (USA)
Ontario, A Loving Look (Canada)
Canada With Love
Canada, These Things We Hold Dear
MacLean's (Canada)

Additionally, Lang has hosted prime exhibitions in galleries all over Canada and the United States. His prints are part of the Canadian Museum of Contemporary Photography in Ottawa, Canada. Corporate clients include: Ely Lilly Pharmaceuticals, The Government of Ontario, Gebr. Schmidt in Germany,United Technologies and TBWA Advertising Agency.

Lang's photographs each capture a moment in time and space, yet transcend both. His unique perspective accents the burgeoning symbolism within each shot, treating the viewer to an unexpected hint of the artistic value veiled beneath the surface.

Ultimately, his photographs are an expression that both compliment and defy the frame in which they are set.

Prints of photographs in this book may be purchased online at: www.klauslangphotography.com

Klaus may be reached at info@klauslangphotography.com