
You may not have an addiction in the normal sense; or maybe you do. Maybe you need a "Wake-Up Call!" Alcohol, drugs, and sex are the "normal" addictions, but this 10-Step Program is for the kind of addiction that's more ordinary than we'd like to think. But you probably have that same addiction I had where I needed to get up every morning, make a commute back and forth, and do a nine-to-five (ten-to-three) just to get a paycheck after working each week or two. The problem comes when someone makes you quit your addiction cold turkey""they unexpectedly take your job away. Wake-Up Call will inspire and amuse as you walk with me through my ten steps to get to a better place after losing a job at sixty-six. Yes, ten steps. It seems I took a shortcut. If you are a baby boomer, unemployment rates have greatly fluctuated in your lifetime, roller-coastering particularly in election years. We, boomers (born 1946""1964, according to US Census or 1943""1960 by Strauss-Howe charts), are living longer and working longer. At least we're trying to. Although our generation is bigger than X, Y, or Z, when the fears of unemployment happen, we may all feel the same, thinking we are alone. Not all are over sixty-five. But there is hope in sharing our stories with each other. Each story is different but connected. My story Wake-Up Call: A 10-Step Program After Losing Your Job at 66 follows a rocky path out of the pit. But because you sometimes have to laugh your way out, there are entertaining illustrations at each step: Depression?, Obamacare and Medicare, A Friend in Deed Helps a Friend in Need, Sue, Opportunities-Other Jobs, Young Prodigies and Children, Spiritual Things, Purpose, Chill, and Follow Your Dreams.