Swaddling Cloths
註釋In this novella you are going to hear a variety of storytellers, sharing about life changing experiences. You will see how some of the details are so unusual that it seems as if they are describing different events. Every chapter conveys a spiritual journey and signs that manifest His glory. I pray that your eyes, ears and hearts of understanding would be opened and enlightened by the Son shine of God's glory. Swaddling Cloths is the sign from Father God that is the bases of the Gospel. Claire Ruebeck-Graham was born in Delaware. She is a wife, mother of five, grandmother of four, and first-time author. Her parents and 6 siblings were the head start of her educational and social training, and the foundation of their Christian family. She graduated from Pierre S. duPont High School. Her vocational career started with the telephone company. A New Birth began in 1950 when missionaries, Cliff and Fran Leonard introduced her to Jesus Christ, as Savior. In 1973 a spirit-filled teacher, Sue Townsend, challenged her to a deeper commitment to follow Jesus Christ as LORD. Currently, she enjoys the desert life in Arizona.