Effective Antireflection Coatings of Transparent Polymeric Materials by Gas-phase Surface Fluorination
註釋There is a dramatic need in solar energy collection systems for lightweight, inexpensive polymeric materials that exhibit improved performance and durability. One approach to altering the properties of polymeric materials, surface fluorination, is appealing because of its potential for low cost. The literature indicates that such properties as permeability, wettability, bondability, thermal stability, weatherability, and optical transmittance can be improved by treating the surface with gaseous fluorine. A gas phase fluorination reactor system (GPFRS) was designed, built, and used. The initial emphasis was on improving optical transmittance by having an effective antireflection coating form on the surface of a wide variety of commercially available transparent polymeric films. Optical measurements revealed substantial improvement in specular transmittance following surface fluorination of almost all materials considered. Increases in solar weighted specular transmittance as high as 4.6% were measured.