Operational Plan: Susitna River Chinook Salmon Inriver Abundance, 2019
註釋The goal of this study is to estimate the abundance of Chinook salmon at river mile (RM) 34 of the mainstem Susitna River and spawning distribution among 5 management areas in 2019. A 2-event, mark-recapture experiment in combination with radio telemetry will be used. Fish wheels and gillnets will be operated at river mile (RM) 34 to capture Chinook salmon for marking with dart-PIT tags (a dart tag with an imbedded passive integrated transponder [PIT]) and radiotelemetry tags. Recapture event sampling will occur at the Deshka River weir at RM 7 where a PIT detection array will be used. Eight radiotracking stations will be strategically placed throughout the drainage to determine when radiotagged fish move in and out of the 5 management zones. A concurrent genetics mark-recapture study will be performed using genetic samples taken from a systematic sample of all dart-PIT tagged fish. The applied radio tags will also be used to estimate handling effects. In the event of a sport fishery, the proportions of non-Deshka River Chinook salmon in the sport harvest taken in 2 sections of the Deshka River will also be estimated through harvest sampling of axillary processes and genetic stock identification.