註釋The project proposal presented by Agorus was a request to develop an initial business strategy plan for entering the quickly-growing accessory dwelling unit (ADU) construction business space. Agorus has been successful in creating framing for custom homes and larger housing developments and is now seeking research and a business plan for entering the ADU construction space. In order to fulfill this request, we surveyed over 50 different jurisdictions in California and dozens more cities in states such as Arizona, Oregon, Florida, Texas and South Carolina. The project goals were to analyze ADU construction trends to gain further insight, preliminary strategy insight, and research into the feasibility of an ADU business concentration. We requested ADU permit application information for the years 2019 and 2021, not inquiring about year 2020 because some municipalities paused permit reviews for weeks or months during the COVID-19 pandemic. Preliminary research indicates that the vast majority of ADUs in the country are constructed in California due to housing impaction, with several out-of-state cities reporting no ADU applications or permits. Our research yielded over 6,500 permit applications during the specified time period. We found that the Southern California region had a higher number of permits per capita, but coastal regions of Northern and Central California still produced high permit results. While structure conversions produced the higher number of permits (39.5%), there were still over 26.5% of permits for strictly detached ADUs, as well as another 34% of permits noted as new construction that may be adding square footage to a given lot, even if they are sharing a wall with an existing structure. Our research showed that the vast majority of ADU permits fell under 800 square feet, with the single biggest category of square footage being 350-499 square feet in all categories, including detached units. When valuation of ADU projects were provided, it showed an average of $180 per square foot for conversions and $340 for detached stick-builds. Additional pricing research showed expected results given current inflationary issues, with current square footage rates being $225 for conversions, $345 for detached stick-build units, and $375 for units built above an existing structure like a garage. Additional literature review of research already presented in the ADU space revealed that regions and cities with more ADU ordinances aimed at clearing the path, or limiting hurdles that impact adoption of ADU applications, directly correlated with higher number of ADU permits. Given the results of our analysis, we recommend that Agorus moves forward with exploring an ADU business model in the state of California. In addition to prioritizing growth in California, our preliminary strategy outlines creating a set of standard ADU plans a customer can deploy on their property, with a few variations all under 800 sq feet. The standardization of ADU plans in the industry will ease this issue for Agorus, who can instead focus on learning and mastering a smaller number of standard plans. The growth in the industry is very promising, with the exponential number of ADUs in the last four years alone being an indicator that the market will continue to grow. Mastering the program in California, the state with the highest number of ADUs currently, will allow Agorus to quickly pivot and move into other states whose programs are modest currently, but show early indicators of opportunities in the coming years.