Eternal Values in Religion
註釋"James Bissett Pratt was one of the most eminent religious psychologists of our times. In the present book he clearly evidences both the questing mind of the scientist and the fervent spirit of the believer. While the book is made up of a group of seven essays, through it all runs the theme that man's purpose on earth should be a voyage of discovery into the spiritual world, a quest to come nearer to the Creator of the universe. In the first two essays on worship, Dr. Pratt contrasts liturgical and non-liturgical churches and emphasizes the importance of beauty in music, architecture, stained glass; the use of symbolism, he feels, is a vital part of religion. After these opening chapters on worship the book continues with a wider discussion of the values of religion. It is Dr. Pratt's honest belief that the time will never come—no matter how far science advances—when man need give up his faith in the essential kinship between the human spirit and a spiritual Beyond. Religion, he believes, is greater than morality. It is not simply a way of acting toward one's fellow men; it is a way of feeling toward the great Determiner of Destiny. We need, he writes, to see the Unseen for ourselves. After reading this sincere and deeply devotional book it is easy to see how Dr. Pratt's influence spread far beyond the Williams' campus where he taught and affected the thinking of a whole generation of liberal scholars."-Publisher.