Beware! The Cascading Has Arrived

This book had its origins in the many natural disasters that seemed to be increasing in number and intensity in recent years. An ever-increasing loss of life, spiraling economic costs and losses, and a lack of national, coordinated recognition and understanding of the dangers these natural disasters foretold were evident. Additional concerns included a political attitude that ignored the realities of the dire future impacts of climate change. Priority for short-term issues which has taken precedence over the need for long-term policies, including financing, that address the needed changes were evident. Many of the requirements and procedures necessary for these changes will require attitudinal and behavioral changes. These will necessitate taking care of our oceans. Changes in land use will most likely need the migration of large segments of our population and will not be popular.

Although many of the changes will not be happily received and will require significant funding allocations, the alternatives to not taking action are far worse. Natural disasters of worse magnitude than we have experienced will continue to occur, and the cascading effects will be beyond imagination.

An approach to preparation that involves planning and funding outside of political control, involving local, state, regional, and national involvement is necessary. Cadres of high school graduates and college-age students who are willing to serve a one-to two-year service program could provide a ready force to assist in dealing with the planning of pre-event needs and helping with dealing with the aftermath of disasters should be implemented.