Roll-out and Turn-off Display Software for Integrated Display System
註釋This report describes the software products, system architectures and operational procedures developed by Lockheed-Martin in support of the Roll-Out and Turn-Off (ROTO) sub-element of the Low Visibility Landing and Surface Operations (LVLASO) program at NASA Langley Research Center. The ROTO portion of this program focuses on developing technologies that aid pilots in the task of managing the deceleration of an aircraft to a pre-selected exit taxiway. This report focuses on software that produces a system of redundant deceleration cues for the pilot during the landing roll-out, and presents these cues on a head up display (HUD). The software also produces symbology for aircraft operational phases involving cruise flight, approach, takeoff, and go-around. The algorithms and data sources used to compute the deceleration guidance and generate the displays are discussed. Examples of the display formats and symbology options are presented. Logic diagrams describing the design of the ROTO software are also given.