Latin America in a New Era of Globalization
Enrique V. Iglesias
Guillermo Calvo
Alicia Barsena
Oscar A. Echevarria
Gabriel Porcile
Nora Lustig
Luis Lopez-Calva
Eduardo Ortiz-Juarez
Jose Ocampo
Nancy Birdsall
Michel Camdessus
L. Enrique Garcia
Luis Moreno
Gert Rosenthal
Julio Sanguinetti
Ricardo Lagos
Essays in Honor of Enrique V. Iglesias
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
, 2015-10-29
Business & Economics / International / Economics & Trade
Latin America in a New Era of Globalization: Essays in Honor of Enrique V. Iglesias is the tribute a group of friends pays to Enrique Iglesias. By virtue of his roles and his actions, Enrique became, decades ago, a recognized and highly valued Latin American citizen who, throughout his career, he has made important contributions to development and democracy of the region, in addition to being a bridge between it and the rest of the world.His career has been one of prominence Chairman of the Central Bank, and then Minister of Foreign Affairs of Uruguay, Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, President of the Inter-American Development Bank and, until a few months ago, Secretary General of the Ibero-American General Secretariat.As rightly pointed out by Enrique Garcia in Madrid on May 20th, 2014 at the presentation of the preliminary edition published by the CAF- Bank of Development in Latin America:The book project Latin America in a New Era of Globalization, Essays in Honor of Enrique V. Iglesias which we present in this document, is a well-deserved tribute to a Latin American citizen who has put his life and ideas at the service of the region, defending the dream that has guided generations and is synthesized in the virtuous trilogy: democracy, sustainable development and integration...There is no doubt that his thinking, his contributions to development and democracy are legacies that set examples for those people of Latin America -yesterday, today and tomorrow- who have deep convictions in free, equitable and prosperous societies, the need for greater regional integration and intelligent articulation internationally and, above all, in the capacity to forge their own destiny.