A Critical View of the SAL Test
Tom W. Tillman
Defense Technical Information Center
, 1962
The SAL test (Sensorineural Acuity Level Test) and conventional bone conduction tests were administered to two groups of subjects with sensorineural hearing losses, a group with conductive loss due to otosclerosis, and a group of normal subjects with simulated unilateral conductive hearing losses. SAL data were gathered under a conventional earphone and cushion as well as under a circumaural-type earphone. Results of the two methods for the sensorineural groups agreed closely below 1000 cps, but above this frequency SAL levels were lower (better) than bone conduction hearing levels. In the conductive loss groups, the results of the two methods agreed closely at frequencies above 1000 cps, but at lower frequencies SAL yielded markedly higher (poorer) hearing levels than did conventional bone conduction tests. The discrepancy was reduced, but not eliminated, when SAL data were collected by using the circumaural-type earphone. (Author).