The Daughter of The Merchant of Venice
註釋The Daughter of the Merchant of Venice is an intriguing love story that follows the romance between an apprentice artist named Stefano D’Alvino and Giustina Boschetti, the daughter of a Venetian merchant. Theirs is a story of love, betrayal, forgiveness, and triumph over adversity, vividly detailed and depicted in 16th-century Venice, Candia (Crete), and Constantinople. Accompanied by their merchant father on the San Giuliano, twin sisters Giustina and Giovanella set out in 1532 on a challenging adventure to Syria. The family was captured by Barbarossa and his Turkish Corsairs during the sea voyage and later sold Giustina and Giovanella at the slave market in Constantinople. The Grand Vizir buys the Venetian twins and enslaves them in the Harem at the Topkapi Palace. Two years passed, and the twin sisters remained trapped in an Ottoman world full of intrigue, sensuality, female rivalry, and fear. The Venetian sisters plan their escape – but how? Enslaved in the Imperial Harem for two years, Giustina has not seen her beloved Stefano. Will Giustina be able to reunite with her beloved Stefano in Venice? A story that’s both captivating and sensuous, full of passion, mystery, and intrigue. It takes you on a journey to the heart of Venice and Constantinople, where the Grand Bazaar, Topkapi Harem, sultan, and concubines await.