Eston T. White Papers
註釋General description of the collection: The Eston T. White papers include a completed World War II Veterans Survey questionnaire. He feels the draft both during and after WWII was as fair as it could be, but he thinks some elites will always find a way to avoid it. His opinions of the equipment and weapons he was issued are mixed. White's units supply lines were generally okay but they encountered some problems in North Africa. The leadership he encountered was in general excellent, with a few exceptions he makes note of. Discipline in his unit was also good. He notes some of their free time activities. White thought medical care recieved was good. He only had one encounter with African American soldiers during the war but he remembers them performing well in battle. He notes changes in morale during his unit's service but says it was generally good. White felt respect for the British people after after seeing the damage done to their country by the Germans. His unit was not particularly religious. White mentions encounters with German propaganda, unit replacements and media correspondents. He describes his combat experiences and incidences of friendly fire. He describes encounters with Europeans, both allied and enemy. White describe his reactions to Pearl Harbor, VE day, VJ day, and liberating a concentration camp.