Aerodynamic Characteristics of Wraparound Fins Mounted on Bodies of Revolution and Rheir Influence on the Missile Static Stability at Mach Numbers from 0.3 to 1.3
註釋Experimental aerodynamic investigations were conducted for several wraparound fins and one planar fin configuration on bodies of revolution at Mach number ranging from 0.3 to 1.3 and angles of attack from -6 degrees to 6 degrees at 0 degrees at sideslip angle. Six component aerodynamic forces and moments were recorded on the complete missile configuration while simultaneously measuring the aerodynamic normal force and bending moments acting on each fin. The fin configuration parameters varied include chord length, fin thickness, leading edge configuration, tip chord geometry and body, root chord gap. The report presents the plotted coefficient data in two volumes. Volume I contains the complete missile aerodynamic data. Volume 2 contains the individual fin aerodynamic data.