註釋"For four excruciating years, these overwhelmingly civilian victims of bloodthirsty armies have been degraded, dishonored, dislocated, and displaced. And the world has looked at this appalling mistreatment with both horror and complacency. . . . In this unique book we move from the searing headlines about the people to the courageous voices of the people . . . whose will to persist and prevail is so nobly evident."—Cornel West

"This is a sad, lovely, human, heartwarming book. The urgency, immediacy, and power of these first-hand accounts of pain, suffering, loss, and survival make this a uniquely compelling collection and a testimony to the resilience of the human spirit."—Mahnaz Afkhami, author of Women in Exile

"These voices bring us close, they make us intimate with the losses of refugees—loved ones killed, connections destroyed, homes and country left behind, pieces of one's self lost. We touch their grief, pain, the chaos that surrounds them."—Ervin Staub, author of The Roots of Evil

"There are more than two million displaced people from the war in Bosnia. This collection at last gives a voice to those silent millions. Their stories are moving, harrowing, and faithfully reflected in this authentic work."—Laura Silber, Balkans Correspondent, Financial Times and co-author of Yugoslavia: Death of a Nation