The need to overcome student learning gaps exists in every school. The answer is not a culture of remediation but one of acceleration. Every student deserves to learn at grade level or beyond--this is equity in action. Acceleration for All offers research-informed, real-world, and ready-to-implement strategies, with an emphasis on core instructional practices, to ensure accelerated learning schoolwide.
This book will help K-12 teachers and leaders: - Implement practical strategies for sustained accelerated student learning
- Shift from a mindset of deficit thinking to strengths-based thinking related to student learning
- Develop opportunity equity so all students have access to grade-level learning every day
- Develop learning cycles to address instruction, assessment, and interventions or extensions as a team with a focus on every student learning grade-level standards
- Learn how to establish a learning-based culture rooted in collective efficacy
- Support teachers, teams, and students through collaborative leadership
- Create processes and procedures for continuously improving learning
Chapter 1: The Case for Acceleration
Chapter 2: The Importance of Culture
Chapter 3: Curriculum Plans for Grade-Level Learning
Chapter 4: An Assessment System That Supports Acceleration
Chapter 5: Daily Grade-Level Instruction
Chapter 6: An Intervention System That Supports Acceleration
Chapter 7: The Importance of Leadership
Chapter 8: Continuous Improvement
References and Resources