Kings of Fortune
Or, The Triumphs and Achievements of Noble, Self-made Men ...
出版A.E. Davis, 1885
註釋Merchants: Stephen Girard. John Jacob Astor. Alexander T. Stewart. Amos Lawrence. Andrew V. Stout. Jonas Chickering. Nicholas Longworth. George Peaboby. Philip D. Armour. Marshall Field.--Capitalists: Cornelius Vanderbilt. George M. Pullman. Cyrus W. Field. William H. Vanderbilt. Jay Gould.--Inventors: Robert Fulton. Charles Goodyear. Eli Whitney. Elias Howe, jr. Richard M. Hoe. Samuel Colt. Samuel F.B. Morse. Cyrus H. McCormick.--Editors: James Gordon Bennett. Robert Bonner.--Lawyers: John Marshall. James T. Brady.--Artists: Benjamin West. John Rogers. Hiram Powers.--Divines: David Swing. Peter Cartwright.--Authors: Henry W. Longfellow. Nathaniel Hawthorne.--Actors: Edwin Booth. Joseph Jefferson.