Book Reviews
Ian Anderson
Prema-chandra Athukorala
H. W. Arndt
Mark Beeson
Edward K.Y Chen
Mukul G. Asher
Howard William Dick
John D. Conroy
Mukesh Eswaran
Roderick Duncan
Hal Hill
Helen Hughes
Frank Holmes
Helen James
Graeme Hugo
Hwok Aun Lee
Patrick Jory
Steven Lim
Linda Low
Ramon Moreno
Kee Jin Ngiam
Yunjong Wang
Charles P. Kindleberger
Frances Perkins
Alexandra A. Sidorenko
Derek Rooken Smith
George Rosen
Ligang Song
Funing Zhong
, 2003
Books reviewed: Joseph E. Stiglitz and Shahid Yusuf (eds) Rethinking the East Asian Miracle Hal Hill and Jo-o M. Saldanha, East Timor: Development Challenges for the World's Newest Nation Nat J. Colletta, Teck Ghee Lim and Anita Kelles-Viitanen (eds), Social Cohesion and Conflict Prevention in Asia S. Sugiyama and Linda Grove (eds), Commercial Networks in Modern Asia Marcel Timmer, The Dynamics of Asian Manufacturing: A Comparative Perspective in the Late Twentieth Century Jagdish Bhagwati, The Wind of the Hundred Days: How Washington Mismanaged Globalization Asian Development Bank, The Role of Central Banks in Microfinance in Asia and the Pacific, Volumes 1 and 2 Prema-Chandra Athukorala and Chris Manning, Structural Change and International Migration in East Asia Prema-Chandra Athukorala, Crisis and Recovery in Malaysia: The Role of Capital Controls Ruth McVey (ed.), Money and Power in Provincial Thailand David Gruen and John Simon (eds), Future Directions for Monetary Policy in East Asia Geoffrey B. Hainsworth (ed.), Globalization and the Asian Economic Crisis: Indigenous Responses, Coping Strategies and Governance Reform in Southeast Asia Brij V. Lal (ed.), Fiji Before the Storm: Elections and the Politics of Development Pradeep Agarwal, Subir V. Gokarn, Veena Mishra, Kirit S. Parikh and Kunal Sen, Policy Regimes and Industrial Competitiveness Iyanatul Islam and Anis Chowdhury, The Political Economy of East Asia: Post-crisis Debates.