
“Wealth without work

Pleasure without conscience

Science without humanity

Knowledge without character

Politics without principle

Commerce without morality

Worship without sacrifice.


I.              Instructions of Archimandrite Theophan of Novoezersk

                        Moral instructions of Father Theophan, recorded in the Goritsky Monastery

                       Notes from Father Theophan, Archimandrite of the Kirillo-Novoezersk Monastery, former cell attendant of the Most Reverend Gabriel, Metropolitan of Novgorod and St. Petersburg

II.            Instructions of the Valaam ascetics

                      Schemamonk Seraphim

                     Monk Herman

                     Monk Athanasius

                     Monk Benjamin

III.          Instructions of the Solovetsky ascetics

                     Hermit Theophan (+ July 26, 1819)

                     Elder Nahum

IV.          Instructions of Schemamonk Zosima

V.            Instructions of Hieroschemamonk Stefan

VI.          Instructions of Elder Hilarion Simonovsky

VII.       Instructions of the recluse John Siezenovsky

VIII.     Instructions of Elder Hilarion Troekurovsky

IX.          Instructions of Archimandrite Agapit of Nilo-Stolobensky

X.            Instructions of the hermit Grigory Agafonov.

XI.          Brief teachings of Elder Theodore of Sanansar.

                     From brief interviews with Fr. Theodora with novices of the Alekseevskaya community

                     Church rank and monastery charter

                     Instructions of Elder Hieromonk Theodore

XII.        Instructions of the Rostov hieromonk Father Amphilochius of blessed memory

XIII.      Instructions of His Grace Anthony, Archbishop of Voronezh and Zadonsk

XIV.      Instructions of the elder of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, Hieroschemamonk Parthenius

XV.        Instructions of Hegumen Boniface of Feofaniya

XVI.      Instructions of Hieroschemamonk Nathanael of Zadonsk

XVII.    Instructions of Hieroschemamonk Agapit of Zadonsk

XVIII.  Instructions of Eldress Matrona of Zadonsk

XIX.      Instructions of the Mauritia Abbess of Goritsa

XX.         Instructions of Abbot Philaret of Glinsk

XXI.      Instructions of Abbess Antonia Kashinskaya