The protagonist, the 16-year-old Amanda is the only child of an Inn keeper in the scottish Highlands. Her life was pretty uneventful and protected until one cold January morning some dreadful news turned everything upside down.
“Clouds of powdery snow drifted across the frozen meadows like bands of golden gossamer as the sun rose over Glen Orchy.
Amanda lay awake, gazing at the crystalline ice flowers that had covered her window overnight. Soon she would have to get out of her cosy bed to help her grandmother to prepare the food for the inn’s early guests. Today was the first market day after Hogmanay so that the Inn would be crowded with travelling tradesman, farmers and people from the surrounding villages and hamlets. Amanda eagerly looked forward to hearing, the latest news and juicy gossip but most of all, to the visit of her best friends.
It is going to be a fantastic day; she thought as she closed her eyes, hoping she could remain in bed a bit longer.
Little did she know that the news she longed to hear would shatter her life and replace the feeling of tranquillity with fear and tribulation. Soon, very soon, she would learn that her very survival depended on her friends loyalty, the ability to fight and the help from beings she believed to only exist in myths and legends.