Regretless Love
註釋The sadness flashed across her face, and she married someone for her. How many lovesick tears. How much love and hate have you experienced? The morning and evening were all for this beauty. The one who loves is destined to be a king, the one who misses is after all true love. The Demon Witch was red in color, like a blooming flower under the moon. That melody, "The Serene Maiden," had caused him to grieve for several lifetimes, and he had even recited it for several lifetimes.Perhaps, all of this was just a mistake, a mistake that no one could regret.He only saw the silk handkerchief that was handed over by a woman. The butterfly on the silk handkerchief flew out with tears in its eyes. The butterfly on the silk handkerchief danced in the air! I hated and I loved."It's just that all of this is so upbeat."