註釋"He had lived the same situation several times with many other people and, although it seemed to be the same, he did not get used to it. The first tear of the soul was already on the canvas. It was only a matter of days..."
Since ever, Jeremiah’s vocation had been to translate the reality helping himself of the painting and the drawing. However, his parents had never supported him in this facet.
Suddenly one day his life changed, when a man nicknamed as "The Mad Musician" appeared in a market to make him see his talent as an artist that he had inside. With his gifts, Jeremiah presented himself to be the painter of the King's Court in a multitudinous contest.
Despite the greatness of the prize, the young painter realized that his talent was not enough for the monarch to be satisfied. This led him to invoke someone older than the world, a dark entity with whom he had never wanted to dream, putting in danger, not only his own existence, but also that of his loved ones.
His wailings would be useless, since evil was capable of using anyone in order to achieve its goal.
"Of agile reading, where the past and the present are magically intertwined, the historical and the fictitious, the real and the invented."
Belén Martín - Reader.