Finding My Invincible Summer

After a tumultuous life that included tragedy, betrayal, and corrosive guilt (told in flashbacks), Muriel finally finds love and happiness, only to be stricken with breast cancer. It appears that she has won that battle when life turns brutal again with the wrenching loss of her soul mate and, soon afterwards, another cancer diagnosis this time of metastasis to her bones. She was given just six months to live. Unremitting pain, both physical and psychological, sends her to the depth of despair, where she seeks to end her life.

Instead, Muriel embarks on a courageous quest for health that includes not only her body, but also her psyche and spirit. She discovers that all aspects of her being are woven into one tapestry you cannot permanently heal one part without the others. In the midst of this journey she has her third bout with cancer. This time she has the understanding and tools to walk away from conventional treatment and practice gentle approaches to becoming and staying well. Ultimately, she is led to the joy and serenity that abide in the deep recesses of her soul her Invincible Summer.