The Omega Point

History's biggest lie is that there's one "God" and he created the universe out of nothing. Nothing has done more damage to the human psyche than monotheism - the doctrine of an all-powerful "Spy God", the divine peeping Tom, who sentences to hell anyone who doesn't slavishly obey him.

In fact, the universe is a mathematical "God factory" and creates infinite Gods over eons of time. The universe, via dialectical ontological mathematics, is converging on the perfect answer to everything: the condition known as the Absolute or the Omega Point. The universe travels, mathematically, from Alpha to Omega, from perfect potential to perfect actualization.

The ancient secret society of the Illuminati has waged a war against Abrahamic monotheism and promoted the doctrine of "becoming God".

Mathematics is the Philosopher's Stone that can transmute base metal (ordinary humans) into gold (Gods). You too can complete your cosmic journey, across countless reincarnations. Are you ready to become an Omega Human?