Freedom's Law

Escaped e-entertainment star Rowan McPherson and her liberator, retired Space Forces Captain Ryan Chandler, have arrived at the Switchboard Station, the central hub of the Galactic Republic. The alien-administered sectors of the station provide sanctuary, as long as Ryan and Rowan keep out of United Earth Systems territory.

However, Rowan’s health is deteriorating, and only advanced human medicine can save her. Docking in the felinezoid sector and boarding with old friends, Ryan searches desperately for medical facilities outside of the human-controlled parts of the station. Prejudice against clones makes the task harder, as well as obsessive and dangerous foes intent on retrieving Rowan for the studio, or killing her, whichever is easiest.

Meanwhile, back on the set of Angel Black, the truth about the clones’ existence comes to light. Working in secret, they begin recruiting outside their show’s cast, and even their own enemies, as they plot rebellion.

The light-years-long arm of the law is treading closely on all the clones’ heels and they will have to step carefully in their battle to be free.