Louisa: The Wilds of Alabama
註釋""By all means, buy this book for your wife or daughters who will love it. But first, immerse yourself. Louisa's journal lends a gripping realism; the reader breathsthe same air, and shudders at her untold dangers while gaining insight into the Creek nation far removed from the 'Injuns' of cowboy films.""- David O'Caroll OBE, Family History Author and Blogger All Louisa Wilton knows are her books, her pianoforte, and how to entertain her refined friends at her family's stately white-columned home. However, change soon comes to Louisa's world. In 1818, her family strikes out for the promised land- the wilds of Alabama. Relatives die. Indians terrify her, while men, once unimportant, both intrigue and annoy her. Louisa's hournal captures her travels, deepest thoughts, and unbridled passions, revealing a fiercely independent, saucy woman with a keen mind.Discover the wilds of Alabama with Louisa- if she lives to tell the tale.