Philanthropy on a Shoestring

No act of kindness is too small, and no one is too insignificant to make a difference.

When it comes to charitable giving in the U.S., here's a shocking statistic: only 1.8% of all charitable giving goes to women and girls' initiatives addressing issues such as gender equality, education, and empowerment. Catherine Curry Williams is on a mission to change that by igniting a groundswell of philanthropy among women and girls, for women and girls, creating a movement that fosters generosity and community spirit.

"Philanthropy on a Shoestring" is a guide; it's an inspiration; it's a call to action that urges you to make a difference, no matter the size of your contribution. It's a book that makes a big punch-designed to be easily digestible-a wake-up call to women and girls everywhere about the power of collective giving and how it can make a huge impact on grassroots organizations.

"Many people want to do good but don't know where to start. Many feel they don't have enough money to make a difference," says Catherine Curry- Williams. Her book will inspire and show you that we all have enough to create a brighter, kinder world. Catherine's mantra is "Be the light, see the light, share the light."

Her book reminds us that no act of kindness is too small, and no one is too insignificant to make a difference. We all have the power to change the world, one step at a time, and create a legacy of kindness and compassion.